Unsupervised multiview fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm

Posted by Kristina on March 14, 2024

The rapid development in information technology makes it easier to collect vast numbers of data through the cloud, internet and other sources of information. Multiview clustering is a significant way for clustering multiview data that may come from multiple ways. The fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm for clustering (single-view) datasets was extended to process multiview datasets in the literature, called the multiview FCM (MV-FCM). However, most of the MV-FCM clustering algorithms and their extensions in the literature need prior information about the number of clusters and are also highly influenced by initializations. In this paper, we propose a novel MV-FCM clustering algorithm with an unsupervised learning framework, called the unsupervised MV-FCM (U-MV-FCM), such that it can search an optimal number of clusters during the iteration process of the algorithm without giving the number of clusters a priori. It is also free of initializations and parameter selection. We then use three synthetic and six benchmark datasets to make comparisons between the proposed U-MV-FCM and other existing algorithms and to highlight its practical implications. The experimental results show that our proposed U-MV-FCM algorithm is superior and more useful for clustering multiview datasets.