Kristina P. Sinaga

A lifelong learner and not a people pleaser 😀

The Future Growth of Data

Data is the fuel of our future. Today, data is collected in several ways enabling edge devices such as mobile phones, sensor networks or vehicles have access to the wealth of useful information. Mo...


🌼🌸FLOWER 🌼🌸 The idea behind Federated Learning is to train a model between multiple clients and a server without having to share any data. This is done by letting ...

Federated Learning

Preliminary AI change the future. May 11, 1997, an IBM computer called IBM Deep Blue beat the world chess champion, Garry Kasparov after a six game match. 20 years after Deep Blue, March 19, 2016,...


Tensor: Applied Mathematics The era of AI (soon will become AGI), big data, and IoT is just getting started. These three concepts are related to each other and becomes important to drive major inn...

Unsupervised multiview fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm

The rapid development in information technology makes it easier to collect vast numbers of data through the cloud, internet and other sources of information. Multiview clustering is a significant...

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

Prelimenary Let bold-face lower-case letters (like $\mathbf{a}$) refer to vectors, bold-face capital letters $\mathbf{A}$ refer to matrices, and italic lower-case letters (like $\mathcal{a}$) refe...

Analytics-based on classification and clustering methods for local community empowerment in Indonesia

West Papua is reportedly the second-most populous province in Indonesia. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) highlights Papua’s performance in selecting the Sustai...

Telecommunication Analytics Based on Customer Segmentation Using Unsupervised Algorithms

Many telecommunication companies try to predict customer churn used supervised learning. This article studies the critical condition in the telecommunications services industry (telco) by using a...

Machine learning approaches for marketing campaign in portuguese banks

Bank is a type of business that deals with saving, circulation of money, deposits and others. The number of services provided by banks is very diverse, this depends on the capabilities of each ba...

多視圖數據模糊聚類演算法 (Multi-view fuzzy clustering algorithms for multi-view data)

模糊c-均值(Fuzzy c-means, FCM)演算法已廣泛地應用在(單視圖)資料集分類上。由於社交媒體和物聯網(IoT)在實際生活上被廣泛使用,多視圖資料變得更普遍。舉例來說,可從不同的新聞媒體來源獲知相同的事件新聞。網頁能同時依據內容和引導超連結的錨點文字,一個影像能由不同的特質和特徵空間所代表。此外,多種來源的資料準備過程需要額外的工作把它們變為有條理的狀態。因此,處理多視圖資...